Friday, November 23, 2007


This is the site on N. High where I play human frogger every other day. Sometimes its exciting, sometimes it is just scary. My goal is not to become that tragic scene in many a Lifetime Channel movie where a woman crossing the street at the last minute sees a speeding car's headlights. All the viewer sees is the woman's panic stricken, wide-eyed face and then one shoe flying in the air. It never ends well.

After coming from a very pedestrian-friendly city, it can be alarming to be in Columbus where pedestrian traffic is an afterthought and drivers can be openly confrontational with pedestrians. I would love to see High Street, Cleveland Avenue and other streets add some pedestrian traffic safeguards to make people more comfortable with walking.

Some good options include adding in-pavement lighting and landscaped median islands. In-pavement lighting is essentially lights embedded in the roadway at crosswalks that are visible to oncoming traffic. Lights can flash continously or be triggered by a push button or sensed by automotic detection features. Median islands where pedestrians can safely stop midway during crossing a street. The islands not only provided a buffer from oncoming traffic but they improve the aesthetics of the street.

Or I guess I could wear neon green jumpsuits when walking.

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