Monday, March 3, 2008


I really have to give CCAD credit for beginning to distinguish itself in a city which is OSU obsessed. I like their plan to replace a purely functional and non-aesthetically pleasing structure with a dorm to house more students but transfer the functions of the classroom building to their newly acquired and more visibile space on Broad Street. I think the blend of office and government workers with college students will add a new energy along that corridor and get people to notice the campus more since students will be going in and out of the Broad St location after 5 p.m. when that stretch is typically deserted.

Art college to finish off quad with dorm that's in demand
Monday, March 3, 2008 6:17 AM
By Mike Pramik

The glass facade of the new dorm at Columbus College of Art & Design will face the quad.
College students typically can't wait to ditch the dorms.

But when a 1,300-student school has residential space for only 250 students, suddenly young people might well come knocking on its door, looking for a place to stay.

That's the case at Columbus College of Art & Design, where plans for a new dorm received approval last week from the Columbus Downtown Commission.

The college's planned $11 million dorm will provide an additional 208 beds, as well as another landmark framing the campus quadrangle. College President Denny Griffith said work should begin in mid-May.

"We have heard a clarion cry from families who would very much like to see additional on-campus housing for upperclassmen," Griffith said. "At some later stage, we might want to add more."

For the full article:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you sound really hot.... do you type this pantless?