Sunday, October 28, 2007


I am really proud of the Franklinton Neighborhood Assoc for standing their ground on the style and quality of housing they want for the area. Too often developers come into struggling neighborhoods and build inferior houses or those that do not fit in with the existing community but expect to be heralded as a hero because they built something while others have not. City leadership frequently allows this development to occur because they can say that they have spearheaded change in a needed part of town. Infill development is tricky and must interact positively with its surroundings. What Gazarra is proposing is just another development that will do nothing for Franklinton.

Porches are especially important for this community because they are natural gathering spaces for residents and the more people outside means there are more eyes on the street. An increased street presence typically results in reduced criminal activity because people know they are being watched.

Homes not right fit for neighborhood, leaders say
Sunday, October 28, 2007 4:07 AM

Vince Gazzara wants to build four houses in Franklinton, the poor Columbus neighborhood of century-old houses just west of Downtown that is struggling to reverse its fortunes.

But he doesn't want to build basements, garages or porches. So neighborhood leaders -- as much as they want new construction -- don't want his houses.

The houses Gazzara wants to build aren't fancy. They're two-story, vinyl-sided homes on slabs that would sell for $75,000.

Carol Stewart, who leads the Franklinton Area Commission, said she wants better.

"We would rather see a green space than to put up something that doesn't match the neighboring houses," she said.

Gazzara said neighborhood leaders' requirements that he build houses with garages, basements and porches would make his homes unaffordable.

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